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"Love is...": Interact's Latest Campaign

In the midst of Valentine’s Day festivities, Enloe students may have noticed the four posters hanging in front of the cafeteria spelling out the word “Love.” February is teen dating violence awareness month, and in an effort to spread awareness, a group of students led campaigns in their schools. They asked their fellow peers to write on a sticky note what love means to them, with the hope that this will improve awareness of dating violence and spark change in their communities.

These volunteers are affiliated with Interact, a sexual assault agency here in Wake County. They serve an important role in educating the public on issues ranging from self-love to online dating abuse. Interact’s peer educators advocate year-round in schools, church groups, and other organizations in the area. The program’s mission is to educate teens on the subject of dating violence, then allowing those students to explain to their peers what the progression of abuse looks like and provide resources. In the US today, one in every four teen girls will experience dating abuse; additionally, one in six boys will experience abuse in this form. Their latest community effort was called the “Love Is…” Sticky Note campaign. To help their peers understand what dating abuse is, the volunteers provided pamphlets with information regarding the prevalence of dating violence in schools across the United States. Other high schools did the same. At Raleigh Charter, students crowded around tables to display their thoughts on the posters. The Sticky notes are filled with uplifting messages such as: “Love is… respect, kindness, trust, and always unconditional.”

Interact’s Peer Educator Program represents only a small portion of what the organization does. A 24-hour hotline is available for victims to talk with trained volunteers. Counselors are also always on site to provide a safe space for victims to talk honestly about their struggles. Interact’s programs aim to educate and support a diverse community, providing the tools and opportunities for overall success. This campaign is only one example of the extensive impact the Interact Peer Educator program has in the lives of teens. The discussions facilitated by Interact peer educators are uncommon in classroom settings, and oftentimes, these teens provide a formal yet safe space that some may not have the chance to experience otherwise. So, be sure to stop by and look at the empowering messages displayed in front of the cafeteria.

If you or anyone you know is going through the issues relating to dating abuse, you can call 919-828-3067 to receive Interact’s services. You can also contact Love is Respect, a national organization that provides similar services, by texting LOVEIS to 22522.

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Run by The Eagle's Eye Newspaper of Enloe Highschool

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