Show OUT For "Out! Raleigh" Next Year!
Nearly a month ago, while some were out donned in Star Wars capes and telling others “May the 4th be with you,” a different sector of North Carolina’s population lined the streets for another occasion: The Out! Raleigh Festival of 2019.
The event is home to live entertainment, local artists and creators, and amazing food. Most importantly, it’s an inclusive space for individuals and families of all sorts to celebrate and support the LGBTQ community.
If you missed out this year, take a few minutes to explore the experience through the eyes of a few Enloe Students who soaked it all in.
Karmynn Lustria (12):
Out! Raleigh was my first [Pride-esque experience]! Initially, I had it in my head that it would be very pride paradey, because those are the kind of pride events that you hear about and see in movies or tv shows, but I had to get that out of my head and remember it was a family-friendly thing. I think I was expecting it to be like a gay Artsplosure. I enjoyed it for the same reason I went: it was a safe and accepting place where I also got to hang with my friends.
Adam Sichel (12):
This was my first pride festival and at first I did not know what to expect. As a straight dude I didn’t feel like it was my place to “intrude” on a festival for those who are LGBTQ+, but my brother reminded me that being an ally is a worthy thing to celebrate as well. Besides, Raleigh’s pride fest is advertised for families. I wanted to go because I love experiencing new things, and that’s what this fest was for me. I really enjoyed it because the vibes were so good; everyone was so supportive and doing their own thing, pure bliss on people’s faces. It is fantastic that an average city like Raleigh can put on and support a festival like this. It is so so important for the community and making Raleigh a place for all. (Also, I got some dope stickers for my
Riley McDonald (11):
I feel like Out Raleigh was less of a protest and more of a gathering to bring people together and create a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community. It was really awesome to see different companies and organizations out there trying to educate people and showing their support. I enjoyed it because we got to see people in their element and everyone looked like they were just having a genuinely amazing time, it was just really awesome!
Next year will be the 10th annual Out! Raleigh. Don't pass up rare few hours of uninterrupted expression, celebration, and inclusivity(: