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Enloe German Day

Last Tuesday, March 21st, Herr Kandah took a group of German students from all grade levels to UNC Chapel Hill to participate in the annual “German Day.” While lesser known than the likes of the “French Festival,” German day also never fails to draw a large crowd of Enloe students. This years theme was “Wunderbar Zusammen” which means “wonderful together,” celebrating the relationship between Germany and America. Participants traveled by bus up to Chapel Hill to compete in a variety of different events such as poetry, dancing, quiz bowls, spelling bees, painting and more, of course all German related.

Seventeen of these students competed in the competitions, and Enloe won 3rd place overall. Enloe students took home both the first and second place spots for 2D Artwork. Enloe students also won second place in Poster Design and A Capella and third place in the Quiz Bowl, T-Shirt design, and Poster Design. Lastly, Enloe had four honorable mentions in the Spelling Bee, Verb Bee, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Instrumental Music for a total of 11 awards. Congratulations to everyone who competed this year.

German day is a celebration of culture and unity, this years theme “wunderbar zusammen” captures this idea beautifully. Enloe students worked hard in all of these competitions and earned a spot among the top German programs from around the county. Congratulations to everyone who attended, and we hope to see Enloe back at German day next year working just as hard! #wunderbarzusammen!

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